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The Electrotechnical Skills Partnership (TESP)

About TESP

The Electrotechnical Skills Partnership (TESP) is a not-for-profit skills partnership created by the ECA, Joint Industry Board (JIB), SELECT, the Scottish Joint Industry Board and Unite the Union. TESP was formed in 2014 to provide a focal point for representing the skills and training issues of employers across the industry to government and key stakeholders and delivering projects with a strategic value for the industry.

About TESP

The Electrotechnical Skills Partnership was formed in 2014 to provide a focal point for representing the skills and training issues of employers across the industry to government and key stakeholders and delivering projects with a strategic value for the industry.

TESP’s constitution has evolved in response to the changing skills landscape. The TESP board comprises employer and employee representative bodies (currently ECA, JIB, SELECT, SJIB and Unite the Union).

TESP also works with a number of industry partners, who may become involved in supporting the delivery of specific projects. Current industry partners are JTL and NET.

One of the key initiatives that TESP has launched aims to bring an additional thousand fully qualified electricians into the industry by providing subsidised access to an industry-recognised experienced worker assessment.