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Crystal Pensions

May 2024 Update:

The Crystal Trustee has made an agreement with Smart Pension to merge Crystal into Smart Pension Master Trust.

A plan is in place to move all members retirement savings to Smart pension during 2024.  In the meantime, Crystal will continue to run as it does now and you and your employees will continue to have all the normal Crystal benefits and access to the usual support, including the use of the online system evolink.

More information about this change is available at Smart Pension.

July 2023 Update:

ECA has agreed to sell its share in Evolve Pensions (via BlueSky Trustee Company Ltd.). This is a positive development for ECA and Evolve customers, and ECA understands that Evolve will continue to offer the same high level of support to employers using the Crystal Master Trust for pension services. Evolve and the Crystal Master Trust remain in an exceptionally strong financial, operational and governance position and becoming part of Smart Pension is set to further enhance these strengths and enable improvements to the range and quality of Evolve products and services.  Evolve will communicate directly with its customers about any future developments.


The Bluesky section of Crystal is operated by Evolve as a non-profit arrangement. Crystal is one of the largest authorised Master Trusts by assets under management in the UK and is supervised by The Pensions Regulator


Crystal is an Auto Enrolment qualifying workplace pension scheme that prides itself on innovation and value for money; offering market-leading investment options, Target Date Funds, and a Lifestyle Strategy as potential investment default funds for members. Further information about all the investment options can be found by visiting the website:


Evolve provides a secure portal, evoPlus, for the transfer of monthly contributions and data. Evolve’s superb administrative teams look after the running of your workplace pension, meaning you have the knowledge that your employees’ pensions savings are in the best hands.

Any employer can join Crystal using the automated sign-up process. Members of the ECA benefit from no sign-up charges. New employers can sign-up here There are no additional fees to be paid by the employer to be part of Crystal.

Crystal offers Members the opportunity to drawdown pension benefits at retirement age via the UK’s first Trust-based drawdown scheme with 5 choices to manage their funds. Using the Drawdown Guidance Tool, members can enter pensions savings information to receive guidance on which option is most suited to their retirement needs.

The Evolve Hub brings together the best of the pensions industry services under one roof including member advice services through our partnerships with Punter Southall Aspire to provide tailored one-to-one retirement advice and discounted membership of the National Federation of Occupational Pensioners for help with legal, tax and financial matters. Please visit the Hub site at
To take advantage of this offer as an ECA member, please login and see below contact details.

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