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A Safe Transition to Net Zero

“Safety runs through every aspect of installation and use of new technologies”.

As the electrification of the UK accelerates, the expertise of the electrical industry is often overlooked. Yet, ECA Members who design, install and maintain net zero technologies are central to the energy transition. They are problem solvers and integrators, the interface between consumers, consultants, construction and operators. They secure the safe and reliable electricity we all enjoy today. 

Qualified and competent electricians guarantee interrelated technologies are installed and maintained safely. Without them, performance and safety will be reduced, leading to more carbon emissions. They collaborate with others to deliver energy efficiency and a safe, clean environment. And, increasingly, their role is that of professional educator. 

The transition to net zero relies on adherence to Building Safety Regulations and competent, qualified electricians to provide safe and effective solutions for consumers and the whole country.

Clean electricity has the advantage of being a more secure, stable and cheaper energy source than other fuels
Steve Bratt, ECA CEO
What is the issue?

Installation of low carbon technologies are not well regulated.
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Installation of low carbon technologies are not well regulated.

Installing electrical technology can be complex and dangerous, with the potential for endangering lives through fire, electric shock or grid outage. Installers without adequate training do not have the level of competence required in other areas of construction.


Electricity is taxed four times more than gas.
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Electricity is taxed four times more than gas.

Electricity is now a ‘cleaner ’energy source than gas. The inflated price of electricity is due to an outdated energy levy model.  

Incentivising specific low-carbon technologies is counterproductive
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Incentivising specific low-carbon technologies is counterproductive

A diverse range of low-carbon technologies exist for heating buildings, generating, controlling, flexing, and storing energy. Only by understanding and installing the right technology for a building can the energy efficiency, cost savings, and emissions targets be met. Unsuitable technology can have safety implications, increase energy use, and dent consumer trust. 

The UK is legally bound to be a net zero emitter by 2050

What is ECA calling for?
Building Safety Standards to apply to all new technologies.
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Building Safety Standards to apply to all new technologies.

For equivalent safety and competence standards for England, Wales and Northern Ireland. And for policy changes to embed safety as a principle by recognising the competence required of the installer.

Rebalancing of energy taxation
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Rebalancing of energy taxation

For Government to rebalance the social and environmental charges levied on electricity and decouple electricity and gas prices.  Specifically we are calling for domestic energy bills to mirror the commercial Climate Change Levy model, moving from a 2.5:1 electricity-to-gas ratio to a balanced 1:1 ratio.  

A broadening of incentives and policies to include all low carbon technologies.
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A broadening of incentives and policies to include all low carbon technologies.

Consumers need advice from competent professionals who understand the range of low carbon options for energy efficiency outcomes. New technology must be integrated safely with existing systems to Building Safety Standards and fulfil grid requirements.  

Electrification of all UK transport
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Electrification of all UK transport

Electrification of all UK transport, including rail, shipping and electric vehicles.


- To keep pace with the growing number of electric vehicles on our roads ECA is calling on government to deliver an electric vehicle charging strategy and investment in a nation-wide charge point network.


- To address inconsistent installation quality ECA is calling on energy suppliers to facilitate collective load control with Electric Vehicle charging point and other significant loads, onsite generation and storage.


- To address the Electric Vehicle Charging Point postcode lottery ECA is calling on local authorities to plan for and prioritise EVCP installation in their areas. 

An energy storage revolution
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An energy storage revolution

To transform the UK energy landscape and reduce our reliance on imported energy, ECA calls for the introduction of smart energy prosumer systems for small scale energy producers to feed into the national grid including:


- Incentives for electrical energy storage systems, smart LED/electrical heating systems and battery storage. 


- Incentives for Prosumers Electrical Installation using onsite generation (such as solar PV or localised wind generation) and electrical energy storage systems (EESS)

The electrotechnical industry is poised to deliver the safe, productive and low-carbon buildings and infrastructure that will meet our immediate and future needs and support the drive towards Net Zero

Building Safety

Safety runs through every aspect of installation and use of new technologies. 

Through the efforts of industry, including ECA and FSA, working with government, the Building Safety Bill went before Parliament in 2021. The Act, now enshrined in law, brings in a fundamental culture change to the way the industry operates.

Abolition of VAT on battery storage products
A review of fuel levies to bring parity between gas and electricity
Safe, competent installation of EV charge points
Expand the Boiler Upgrade Scheme to cover the installation of low carbon heating devices
ECA's Drive To Net Zero Activity 
Electrifying our Future

July 2024: New partnership to amplify safe transition to net zero.

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ECA speak at Installation Seminar

May 2024: ECA Head of Technical Standards Gary Parker, and Senior Vice President Ruth Devine, joined a panel at the Electrical Safety First Installation Seminar discussing the importance of electrical core competencies to safe installations.

ECA submits to ESNZ Committee inquiry

April 2024: Submission to the Energy Security and Net Zero Committee’s inquiry into the Economics of the Energy Sector. 

ECA joins FutureBuild panel

March 2024: Jane Dawson, ECA Head of Public Relations and Public Affairs, joined the panel for a session on Decarbonising Heat in Buildings at FutureBuild at the ExCeL in London.

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New Report by SEA

January 2024: ECA joins DSENZ speakers at launch of Technology Agnostic report.

Northen Ireland’s Call for Evidence

January 2024: ECA responds to Northen Ireland’s Call for Evidence on Renewable Energy.

ECA meets Shadow Minister

November 2023: ECA meets Shadow Minister for Roads and Transport to discuss EV charging infrastructure.

ECA meets CEO of Climate Change Committee

November 2023: ECA meets CEO of Climate Change Committee about implementation of UK 2035 net zero targets.

ECA Guide to Net Zero

September 2023: ECA’s guide to Net Zero launched at Roadshow. Read more >

ECA pitch ideas for electricity taxation inquiry

DNSNZ picks ECA to pitch ideas for Parliamentary Inquiry into electricity taxation. Read more >

ECA's #ProjectNetZero Roadshow 2023

June 2023: ECA’s Project Net Zero Roadshow 

Leading the Charge award finalist

May 2023: ECA is named as a finalist at the 2023 Unlock Net Zero Live Awards. Our Leading The Charge campaign is shortlisted within the Collaboration of the year - energy projects category. Read more >

ECA meets Energy Shadow Minister

April 2023: ECA meets Dr Alan Whitehead, Shadow Minister for Energy to discuss the issues that matter most to our Members. These include the skills crisis facing our industry and the importance of listening to electricians who are central to the delivery of mass electrification. Read more >

Solar panels power planes

March 2023: ECA Member installs solar panels for Light Aircraft Company to save energy costs. Watch here >

Holistic decarbonisation

February 2023: Technology Agnostic Approach to Heat and Buildings report launch in Houses of Parliament. Read more >

ECA welcomes Net Zero department

February 2023: ECA has broadly welcomed the creation of the new Government Department for Energy Security and net Zero. Read more >

ECA scoops award for Net Zero campaign

November 2022: ECA wins CLC’s Construct Zero Partner of the year 2022. Read more >

Skidmore Net Zero Review

November 2022: Renewable energy is the strategic solution to lowering energy costs and increasing efficiency and energy security.

Electricity market review

October 2022: In response to the Review of the Electricity Market, ECA calls on government to encourage flexible, local initiatives which reduce demand on the grid and lower levies on generating green electricity. 

Leading the Charge premiere

September 2022: ECA documentary about the apprentices helping transform the energy market to net zero electricity. Screening at The Royal Society for an invited audience of industry, education and policy leaders. 

ECA launches Leading the Charge

September 2022: ECA launches Leading the Charge telling the story of a transformative moment, when electrotechnical professionals seize the potential of clean electricity to fulfil the UK’s net zero ambitions.

Open letter on fuel taxation

September 2022: ECA, alongside other key partners, sends an open letter to Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak – calling for the new PM to consider rebalancing taxes on fuel bills.

ECA launches Making the Switch

July 2022: ECA launches Making the Switch – calling for a rebalancing gas and electricity taxes on fuel bills.

ECA submits evidence to inquiry

June 2022: ECA joined 50 organisations from academia, business and charity who gave evidence to the Government’s Fossil Fuel Inquiry. We called for a National Retrofit Strategy and more investment in wind and solar. We also highlighted the need to rebalance unequal tax on gas and electricity to encourage the switch to low carbon electricity.

EV charging an election issue

May 2022: Ahead of the local elections, Luke Osborne urges voters to make public EV charging roll out an election issue. Watch now >

ECA on Energy Security Strategy

April 2022: ECA points out energy efficiency is missing from the new Energy Security Strategy and urges government to focus on retrofitting UK’s aging housing stock

EV Network Strategy published

March 2022: ECA warns market-led approach may jeopardise the quality and safety of EV charge point installations.

VAT removed on renewable products

March 2022: Chancellor removes VAT on renewable products - achieving one of ECA’s policy asks.

Ahead of Spring Statement

March 2022: Open letter to Chancellor with industry and renewable energy providers asking to remove VAT on renewable products.

ESF roundtable on EV charge point safety

February 2022: ECA presents data on patchy local authority approach to EVCP roll out.

Response to SMMT EV infrastructure report

February 2022: There can be no EV charge point network in the UK without an upskilled electrical workforce.

Content with Purpose partnership

January 2022: Media partnership to document the transition to net zero electricity - leading the charge.

BEIS consultations

January 2022: ECA submits responses to phasing out the installation of fossil fuel heating in homes off the gas grid and a market based mechanism for low carbon heat.

Rise in EV sales

January 2022: The Society of Motoring Manufacturers cites ECA data about regional inconsistencies in EV Charging points.

Energy crisis

January 2022: Luke Osbourne appears in YouTube video stating ECA’s position on net zero.


November 2021: Member firm, EFT and ECA staff attend events in Glasgow.

Freedom of Information request

October 2021: ECA gathers data about local authority plans for roll out of EV charging points.

EVCP postcode lottery

July 2021: ECA raises alarm about the inconsistent approach to EV charging and calls for a national EV strategy.

Consultation responses

April 2021: ECA responds to public consultations on EV Charging Points and Future Buildings Standards.

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