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ECA welcomes the new government

ECA looks forward to building on existing relationships with elected representatives and collaborating with the new government to achieve the five missions set out in the Labour Manifesto. 

The electrotechnical sector will play a pivotal role in delivering the key missions – from economic growth to clean energy. ECA will therefore be seeking early conversations with Minsters as the government takes shape. Electrification is a key element of decarbonising the UK economy, and a skilled electrical workforce is essential to the safe and successful roll-out, integration and maintenance of low-carbon technologies – from heat pumps to solar panels and EV charging infrastructure.

The shortage of a skilled workforce is a fundamental obstacle to achieving net zero. The current state of the electrical skills system demands early attention. It takes four years to develop the core competencies needed for electrical work and installation. We urge the new government to take this first step on the path to achieving the 2030 target set out in the manifesto.

To stimulate economic growth, we must address fundamental flaws in the procurement system. Most of the construction industry is united behind calling for protective legislation to stop the abuse of retentions and improve payment performance.

Small businesses (SMEs) make up the majority of firms in the electrotechnical sector. They are essential to delivery of good jobs and opportunities for young people in local communities. SMEs need better support to deliver apprenticeships. This includes removing unnecessary red tape and increasing financial incentives. 

ECA calls on the new government to place qualified electricians at the heart of net-zero transition. To bring in protective legislation to combat poor payment practices.  To address the challenges which are preventing an increase in people qualifying as electricians, and establish a stronger skills pipeline to support learners into electrical employment. 

ECA wishes the new administration every success in achieving its ambitious programme and looks forward to working constructively with the Labour Government. 

Last updated 05 July 24